Course Descriptions: Chem

Chem101 Introductory Chemistry 4 hours

Covers atomic structure, chemical bonding, reactions, states of matter, acids and bases. Introduces organic chemistry and nuclear chemistry. Basic algebra required. Three hours lecture and one two-hour lab per week. Designed for students with no chemistry background. Students with high school chemistry should take CHEM 121 General Chemistry I. A Knowledge general education course.

Chem121 General Chemistry I 4 or 5 hours

Reviews basic concepts including atomic structure, chemical bonding reactions, states of matter and thermochemistry. Three hours lecture and one three-hour lab per week. Prerequisite: Chem 101 or high school chemistry (with grade of C or better). Algebra background required. Additional lab work, problem assignments and a case study paper required for 5 hours credit. A Knowledge general education course.

Chem122 General Chemistry II 4 or 5 hours

Treats thermodynamics, electrochemistry, chemical kinetics and equilibrium including acids and bases, as well as some representative elements and nuclear chemistry. Introduces organic chemistry and qualitative analysis. Three hours lecture and one three-hour lab per week. Prerequisite: CHEM 121. Additional lab work required for 5 hours credit.

Chem203 Organic Chemistry I 4 hours

Studies the structure, properties and reaction mechanisms of carbon compounds. Three hours lecture and one three-hour lab per week. Prerequisite: CHEM 122.

Chem204 Organic Chemistry II 4 hours

Continues Chem 203, emphasizing synthesis and mechanisms of reactions. Introduces spectroscopy. Three hours lecture and one three-hour lab per week. Prerequisite: CHEM 203. A Critical Thinking general education course.