2-hour late start Tuesday and Wednesday, Feb. 18 and 19


(A.S. degree)

First Year Fall Program courses
General Chemistry I
Intro to Molecular and Cellular Biology or Intro to Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Recommended courses
First-Year Experience
College Writing I
Principles of Macroeconomics
Calculus I

Spring Program courses
General Chemistry II
Intro to Organismal Biology or Genetics
Anatomy and Physiology or Microbiology
Recommended courses
Biblical Literature
Speech Communication
Lifetime Fitness and Wellness
Calculus II

Second Year Fall Program courses
College Physics I
Organic Chemistry I
Intro to Molecular and Cellular Biology or Intro to Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Recommended courses
Elementary Statistics
humanities course
intercultural competence or integration course

Spring Program courses
Intro to Organismal Biology or Genetics
Anatomy and Physiology or Microbiology
Organic Chemistry II
Recommended courses
humanities course
intercultural competence or integration course

Catalog 2024-25