Church Relations

The Mennonite Church has a long history of valuing education and has offered a unique relational approach to its educational institutions. Educational institutions in the Mennonite Church are owned and operated by the church and experience connection to the church from church constituency who relate as faculty, board members, students and alumni.

Hesston College has embraced this two-way relationship model of the church and deeply values it. Churches provide prayers, students and financial contributions to the college. The college provides educational resource opportunities both on its campus and in the churches. Our goal is to educate and develop the full potential of every student within our community, lead them toward the model of the life of Jesus Christ and to send them out as active participants in the church and the world.

We value your opinions and concerns and seek to be faithful as a Christian higher educational institution. Please use the internet to learn more about us and give us your input.

2024-25 Theme Verse

5aAnd the one who was seated on the throne said, “See, I am making all things new.”
– Revelation 21:5a, NRSV

Church School Day

A Sunday is set aside each year to highlight Mennonite Church schools in local congregations. Hesston College representatives bring greetings and share an update in congregations in states selected on a rotating schedule.

Weekend College

Weekend College provides resource opportunities for pastors and constituency for life in the church. During on-campus events, pastors can visit their current Hesston College students and receive updates on the college. Invitations will be sent to pastors.

Congregational Student Aid Plan and Student Aid Matching Grant

Hesston College will match up to $500 per semester ($1,000 per academic year) per student any monies given as direct aid by a congregation to its student(s). If church grants exceed $1,000 per year, Hesston matches the first $1,000 at 1:1 and all remaining dollars at 1:4 up to tuition less Hesston College scholarships and/or grants. Congregational/Conference Student Aid Matching Grant Application

Hesston College Philosophy of Faith Formation