Course Descriptions: BiSc

BiSc100 Introduction to Biology 4 hours

An introductory study of living organisms, with emphasis on human systems; homeostatic, genetic and developmental processes; human interaction with the environment and the scientific method of inquiry. Designed for general education. Three lectures and one two-hour lab per week. A Knowledge general education course.

BiSc103 Introduction to Molecular and Cellular Biology 4 hours

An introductory course for students majoring in biology or health-related fields. Topics covered include cell structure, function and interactions; genomics and bioinformatics; transcription, translation and protein processing; cell signaling and the cell cycle. Emphasis is placed on how the scientific method has been used to increase knowledge of biology at the molecular and cellular level in major historical discoveries, as well as current areas of active research. Three lectures and one two-hour lab per week. Prerequisite: CHEM 101, CHEM 121 or consent of instructor. Offered alternate years.

BiSc104 Introduction to Ecology and Evolutionary Biology 4 hours

An introductory course for science majors. Introduces fundamental topics in biology related to ecology and evolution, including population genetics, life history traits, natural selection, speciation and species concepts, population growth, competition, predation and community structure. Three hours of lecture and one two-hour laboratory section per week. Prerequisite: math eligibility. Offered alternate years.

BiSc105 Introduction to Organismal Biology 4 hours

An introductory course for science majors. Introduces basic principles and surveys the history and diversity of life on Earth, including evolutionary patterns in functional morphology, behavior, the genetics of development and phylogenetics. The structural and functional characteristics of major lineages of organisms, both extinct and extant, are emphasized. Laboratory sections focus on comparative anatomy and classification. Three hours of lecture and one two-hour laboratory section per week. Offered alternate years.

BiSc110 Environmental Biology 4 hours

Explores fundamental ecological principles that provide the foundation for understanding environmental issues. Outdoor laboratory field exercises and lectures emphasize the process of science as it relates to a biological description of the natural world. Requires basic math skills. Designed for science and non-science majors. Prerequisite: high school biology. Offered alternate years. A Knowledge general education course.

BiSc120 Environmental Science 4 hours

Studies and seeks to better understand key elements of ecosystem function and sustainability and the vibrant connections between ecosystems and human well-being. Explores ways that humans can change their actions and impacts, moving the world in directions that are truly sustainable. A Knowledge general education course.

BiSc205 Anatomy and Physiology 4 or 5 hours

A one-semester overview of the structure and function of the human body. Begins by introducing terminology, basic chemistry, cell biology and tissues, then individually examines the nervous, integumentary, endocrine, digestive, urinary, lymphatic, respiratory, cardiovascular, skeletal, muscular and reproductive systems. Prerequisite: high school chemistry, college chemistry or consent of instructor. A Knowledge general education course.

BiSc206 Microbiology 4 hours

Emphasizes structural, physiological, chemical and environmental aspects of microorganisms. Concentrates on bacteria that cause disease. Lab work includes identifying unknown bacterial cultures. Prerequisite: minimum high school GPA of 3.25, or ACT Composite 19 or equivalent, or a minimum GPA of 3.00 on at least 12 college semester hours or consent of instructor.

BiSc215 Pathophysiology 3 hours

A study of the fundamental changes in body physiology due to disease, including specific disorders of body systems and/or individual organs. Covers the basics of cell biology, inflammation, mechanisms of body defense and common disorders with an emphasis on disease processes, manifestations and treatment. This course is designed for a target audience of students in nursing or other health care careers. Prerequisite: BISC 205 or permission of instructor.

BiSc240 Genetics 4 hours

A course for science majors. Introduces principles of heredity including patterns of inheritance; the structure and function of DNA, RNA and proteins; the nature of mutations; the relationship between genotypes and phenotypes; processes involved in gene regulation; and the genetic basis of development. The history and development of the field are emphasized along with emerging frontiers. Three hours of lecture and one two-hour laboratory section per week. Prerequisites: BISC 103, CHEM 121, CHEM 122 as a corequisite, or consent of instructor. Offered alternate years. A Critical Thinking general education course.