Leadership opportunities
First-year and beyond opportunities:
- Peer tutor
- Athletic team leader/captain
- Student Ambassador
- Choir soloist
- Theatre lead
- Academic assistant
- Department assistant
- International Student mentor
- Student Development Officer
- Media Services assistant
- Athletic team manager
- Intramural athletics assistant
- Campus Activities Board member
- Chapel Planning Committee
- Student Government Association
- Campus Worship team
- Arboretum assistant
- Club leader
- Student speaker for special events
Second-year and beyond opportunities:
- Community Assistant
- Ministry Assistant
- Wellness Assistant
- Writing Assistant
Cross-cultural/Transcultural opportunities
Recent cross-cultural and transcultural opportunities include:
May term trips
- International Chorale choir to Europe (every other year)
- Philadelphia, Pa., to study Latino, African American and Asian cultures
- Japan for language, culture and history study