Social Sciences

General Psychology class

The Hesston College Division of Social Science provides an understanding of human social and psychological behavior, an essential component to a liberal arts education. The division promotes personal growth, responsible citizenship, and service to others in the church and the world. It offers exposure to employment settings, introduction to competent professionalism, and courses that are transferable.

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Criminal and Restorative Justice

What is criminal & restorative justice?

Hesston College’s Criminal and Restorative Justice program is a four-year transfer associate of arts program focused on sociology.

Criminal justice is a system of justice through practices and institutions that upholds social control, discouraging and reducing crime, or responding to those who violate laws with criminal penalties and rehabilitation efforts.

Restorative justice is a theory of justice that emphasizes repairing the harm caused by criminal behavior through healing and rehabilitation. Allows for both offender and victim to be involved in resolving the conflict.

Success factors

Criminal and restorative justice professions require candidates who possess strong oral and written communication skills, good listening skills, and the ability to work with a wide range of diverse populations. Fluency in a second language is also desirable.

Career possibilities

  • Social services
  • Judiciary and law
  • Law enforcement
  • Corrections
  • Human services for the criminal and the victim
  • Forensics
  • Paralegal
  • Public safety and disaster preparedness
  • Security studies
  • Technology and cyber crime
  • Ministry
  • Business
  • Education
“The classes at Hesston were very challenging. They helped me develop critical thinking skills that I use every day in class, and they caused me to become more organized with my schoolwork, which makes life a lot less chaotic. Also, thanks to my writing instructors, I can compose well-written essays without breaking a sweat.”
— Nick Mitchell, class of 2015, criminal justice student at Newman University (Wichita, Kan.)

Majoring in criminal and restorative justice

Students have the opportunity to gain real-world experience through volunteer practicum or internship opportunities.

  • Hesston’s Service Learning program offers students plenty of volunteer opportunities throughout the year.
  • Academic advisors and the resources in Student Success can help arrange job shadow opportunities, practicums and internships in fields of interest.
  • Opportunities to conduct observations in human services, law enforcement, courts and corrections fields.

Criminal and restorative justice curriculum

As a Criminal and Restorative Justice major, you will take a number of foundational classes that are required at most transfer institutions. Students can supplement coursework in the major with courses in business, psychology, anthropology, or sociology.

Course work related to the hard sciences (biology, chemistry, and biochemistry) is necessary for career opportunities in forensics.

Internet security is a rapidly growing area with a wide variety of career opportunities. Supplement course work with computer science and technology courses to gain entry into this field.

Sample curriculum – associate degree in criminal and restorative justice


Division Goals

  1. To help students develop a philosophy of service that has real life implications.
  2. To help students understand power and privilege as a social construct in the United States and the world.
  3. To encourage ongoing development and assessment of innovative, cutting edge curriculum.
  4. To create an environment on campus that supports, respects and celebrates diversity.
