2-hour late start Tuesday and Wednesday, Feb. 18 and 19

Partners Ponder: Why I am a Hesston College Partner

Cris Rodriguez and his wife, Cynthia, are members of Hesston College’s Partner Program. Pictured with them is their daughter, Alana.

A Hesston College education is founded on Christian teachings and values. Over four decades ago, a person with the same vision thought that I would benefit from the Hesston Experience and education. A former junior high school teacher, who is still an active Partner, made it possible for me to go through the nursing program at Hesston College. “Start Here, Go Everywhere” has been part of my life ever since. Hesston gave me a solid foundation that has provided direction to educational and professional achievement. Hesston College fosters academic achievement, responsible citizenship, Christian stewardship and generous service.

For me, the Hesston College experience was more than academics: It was faith in God, a sense of personal value and worth, a Christian atmosphere and community.

We became Hesston Partners because it is our desire that present and future generations of students benefit from the Hesston College Experience. We want them to experience Christ in a supportive community, to experience excellence in scholarship and thought and to develop a sense of stewardship and service.

“Thus far the LORD has helped us” (I Samuel 7). Being Hesston College Partners is a privilege and a responsibility – a commitment in response to the many blessings received.