Why did you choose to start at Hesston?
Maria Diener ’15,Meridian, Miss., Social Work major
It’s a diverse, Christian-based community, but a small enough community where I can transition into a more independent lifestyle. One of the reasons I chose Hesston was because I was instantly accepted as a prospective student.
Heather Dussinger ’15, Lancaster, Pa., Athletic Training major
I knew Hesston was the place for me as soon as I walked on campus because of the people and the Christian environment. It’s so community based. There’s people here for you no matter what. I appreciate how much people care for me and the Christian values that we share.
Dennis Marcellino ’14, Los Angeles, Calif., Athletic Training major
The community is amazing, everyone is like family.
Octavio Perez ’15, Bryan, Texas, General Studies
I liked that Hesston’s aviation and air traffic control programs were FAA approved.
Jordan Waidelich ’15, Stryker, Ohio, Deciding
I love the small community aspect of Hesston and the one-on-one interaction with professors. Coming from a small high school, the idea of not just being another number appealed to me.

Why are you glad you started at Hesston?
Awah Hammad ’15, Khartoum, Sudan, Engineering major
I am glad I started at Hesston because of how everyone is so supportive. I also appreciate the diverse community.
Misaki Hirayama ’15, Chiba, Japan, General Studies major
I enjoy the small town. I like how the professors interact with students. I feel comfortable here.
Lincoln Moyo ’15, North Newton, Kan., Bible and Ministry
I am glad I started at Hesston because it has stretched my academic horizon to heights I didn’t know feasible.
Jake Rhine ’14, Indianapolis, Ind., Exercise Physiology major
The professors really care about your success, and the people genuinely care about your academic and personal life.
Anni Tapkida ’15, Abuja, Nigeria, Pre-med major
The people make it a friendly environment. They’re easy to talk to.
Kento Ueda ’15, Sendai-shi, Japan, General Studies major
It’s easy to meet new people because of the mods.