2-hour late start Tuesday and Wednesday, Feb. 18 and 19

MLK Day 2018

Honoring Dr. King’s legacy

Feature image: The Hesston College community participates in the Martin Luther King, Jr., Day “Tools for the Journey” workshop on Jan. 15, led by President Joe Manickam and John Murray, director of International Admissions. The workshop addressed injustices that are pervasive in society today and what individuals can do to recognize injustices and their own […]

Hesston College plans MLK Day activities

A day of celebration and learning to better understand others’ perspectives will mark Hesston College’s Martin Luther King, Jr., Day events on Monday, Jan. 15. Hesston students will have the whole day off from regularly scheduled classes to participate in a campus-wide workshop, “Tools for the Journey,” along with faculty and staff, which will better […]

Pen to Paper to Performance

Submissions being accepted for play writing festival

For the second year in a row, members of the local communities can exercise their creativity and storytelling abilities through play writing with Hesston College Theatre’s “Pen to Paper to Performance” play writing festival. Submissions for the 10-minute play festival will be accepted through March 16. Eight winning submissions will be notified March 23 and […]

Christmas video 2017

Merry Christmas from Hesston College

During this Christmas season, we reflect on the many blessings of the year at Hesston College – increased enrollment, an engaged student body and new presidential leadership to name a few. We sense God’s presence in our day-to-day work, and often see more tangibly that work unfold in the lives of our students. Our alumni, […]

Task force wraps up work with recommendations to improve procedures and practices related to sexual misconduct

Hesston College’s Task Force on Sexual Misconduct and Interpersonal Safety wrapped up its work in October 2017, leaving the college with six major areas of recommendations to improve procedures and systems related to sexual misconduct at Hesston College. The recommendations include: implementing modules to raise awareness of sexual misconduct and options for victims establishing a […]

Freshman Cassidy King high fives a WOW participant during a game.

Class learning focuses on community outreach and connections

One of two things can happen when you present eager and energetic elementary-aged kids to be led by college freshmen and sophomores for 20 minutes – chaos or connection. The latter was the case for Hesston College’s Recreation Leadership students during the fall semester as they provided the game programming during WOW (Whitestone on Wednesdays) […]


Masterworks concert “Light Eternal” brings comfort to holiday season

Hesston College Music and Theater will present the annual masterworks performance at 7 p.m., Saturday, Dec. 9, at Hesston Mennonite Church on the Hesston College campus. The program, Morten Lauridsen’s Lux Aeterna (Light Eternal), will acknowledge the light that Christ brings to our world. The Hesston College community and wider community has experienced several losses […]

AVDS 2018 - Before the unthinkable happens: Confronting our role in injustice

Conference to take proactive approach on confronting injustice

What can one person do to stand against “the troubles of this world?” The challenges are monumental: economic injustice, gender inequity, race relations, water and land conflicts. What difference can I make? The 2018 Anabaptist Vision and Discipleship Series (AVDS) will explore these questions and their answers with the theme “Before the Unthinkable Happens: Confronting […]

Cynthia Barnett, author of "Blue Revolution," speaks at Hesston Mennonite Church on the Hesston College campus.

Smithsonian traveling exhibition exploring water’s environmental and cultural impact coming to Hesston

From above, Earth appears as a water planet with more than 71 percent of its surface covered with this vital resource for life. Water impacts climate, agriculture, transportation, industry and more. It inspires art and music. The Hesston Public Library (300 N. Main, Hesston, Kan.), in cooperation with Kansas Humanities Council will examine water as […]

Kenton Schroeder, Therin Smith, Risa Fukaya and music prof Holly Swartzendruber

Voice students break into semi-finals at competition

Hesston College voice students competed among the best collegiate vocalists in a four-state region at the annual National Association of Teachers of Singing (NATS) West Central Region Vocal Competition Nov. 4 to 5, at the University of Northern Colorado (Greeley, Colo.). Nine students represented Hesston College during the weekend competition with three advancing to the […]