2-hour late start Tuesday and Wednesday, Feb. 18 and 19

Sex Discrimination and other forms of Sexual Misconduct


Think you or someone you know has been assaulted?
Dating Violence
Sex Discrimination
Domestic Violence
Sexual Harassment
Sexual Assault


Do you fear for your safety?
Your safety comes first. Get yourself to a safe place, away from your assailant, where you can call for help. Call 911, a friend, a family member or someone on the Talk list.

Medical Assistance

Consider seeking medical assistance. The following are local resources for medical help.

*Have Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners (SANE) available 24/7.

Preserve all evidence

Do not shower, bathe, douche, wash hands, brush teeth, go to the bathroom or change clothes if you have any thought of reporting the assault. If you have not preserved all evidence, you may still report the assault. Some evidence can still be collected during a medical examination at least 5 days after the assault.


We encourage you to talk about what occurred with someone you know, such as a friend or family member. If you wish to speak to someone about the situation, you can call one of the below:

  • Emergencies: 911
  • Hesston Police Department: 620-327-2020
  • Resident Directors: RD on call – 620-217-0051; Natalie Ladd – 620-327-8170; Jacob Fetters – 620-327-8180
  • Jose Gloria*: 620-327-8238
  • Michele Hershberger*: 620-327-8292
  • Nick Ladd*: 620-327-8291
  • Whitney Douglas, Title IX Coordinator: 620-327-8342
  • Safehope*: 800-487-0510 or 316-283-0350

* This person is a confidential resource who is not required to report your concerns except in certain situations where safety is an issue.

Someone You Know Was Assaulted?

  • Listen
  • Believe them. Be gentle, patient. Listen with openness and empathy. Ask them if they feel safe right now.
  • Process with them.
  • Assess any physical injuries and encourage them to seek emergency medical care if needed.
  • Provide them resources to call for additional assistance.
  • Know Your Limits
  • Recognize what you can and cannot handle. Get help if you feel you are in over your head.

If you are not comfortable talking to this person about their concern, inform them that you feel you are not suited to talk through their concern, but that you would like to connect them to someone who can. With the persons’ permission, attempt to get in touch with one of our listed resources.

Additional campus safety information