2-hour late start Tuesday and Wednesday, Feb. 18 and 19

Hesston College Commitment

Hesston College is committed to providing a learning, working and living environment that promotes personal integrity, civility and mutual respect in an environment free of discrimination on the basis of sex. In support of this statement, Hesston College provides the following purpose statement as it relates to our Title IX preventive strategies:

Hesston College will:

  1. Educate. Provide effective training for students and employees, including prevention strategies for students, to help build a foundation for healthy relationships.
  2. Nurture. Support students in living out these teachings and beliefs so they continue to seek and maintain healthy relationships. Encourage employees to model characteristics of right relationships from which students can learn.
  3. Provide a Christ-centered learning, working and living community that promotes personal integrity, civility and mutual respect in a setting free of discrimination based on sex, which includes all forms of sexual misconduct.

Per our policy, if an investigation occurs, Hesston College will:

  • Respect a complainant’s choice not to file a formal complaint when doing so is in the best interest of the parties involved as well as the college community.
  • If a formal complaint is filed, provide a neutral, unbiased, impartial and objective investigation and hearing to determine if this policy was violated.
  • Utilize a Title IX coordinator, investigator, hearing officer and appeals officer who are free of conflicts of interest and bias.
  • Follow college procedures without material deviation.
  • Treat everyone who participates in the investigation with dignity and respect.
  • Ensure both the complainant and respondent have equal opportunities to participate in the investigation by being interviewed, identifying witnesses and providing evidence.
  • Pursuant to Department of Education regulations, the college will presume the respondent is not responsible for the alleged conduct unless and until a determination of responsibility is made at the end of the process specified in this policy.
  • Recognize the college has the burden of collecting evidence and proving any violation of policy; that burden is not on those involved in the investigation.
  • Provide equitable procedural protections to all parties.
  • Determine if the respondent more likely than not violated the policy and provide a written notice of such determination to the complainant and the respondent.
  • Provide the complainant and the respondent an opportunity to review relevant evidence gathered in the formal investigation if they so choose. Give them 10 days to respond with any additional information relevant to the investigation.
  • Provide the complainant and the respondent an opportunity to review the draft investigation report and give them 10 days to respond with any additional information relevant to the investigation before the investigation report is finalized.
  • Take appropriate action for any policy violation, including disciplinary and remedial measures.