2-hour late start Tuesday and Wednesday, Feb. 18 and 19

Title IX reporting

Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex. This includes sexual harassment, sexual violence in educational programming and activities. All public and private schools that receive federal funds must comply with Title IX. If you have experienced sexual discrimination, sexual harassment or violence, here are some things you should know about your Title IX rights and Hesston College’s Title IX Policy.

Prevention and Training

Hesston College students, faculty and staff receive in-person training from the Title IX Coordinator on an annual basis. Additionally, all students are expected to complete Haven, EverFi’s online sexual assault prevention program. Hesston College also completes a Campus Climate Survey on a bi-annual basis.


*Confidential resources are faculty or staff who are not under any obligation to report specifics of your concern to the Title IX Coordinator, but will report basic, unidentifiable information to record the concern and to ensure campus safety. These reporters are trained to ensure you know your rights and our obligations as an institution and to discuss the resources available to you. They will only break this confidentiality should there be an imminent safety threat to you or the campus, or if the concern involves a minor. Non-mandated reporters receive specialized training from the Hesston College Title IX Coordinator in addition to any training they have from their fields of expertise.

Additionally, Hesston College partners with safehope, a local group that provides advocacy and support to all survivors and secondary victims of domestic and sexual violence in Harvey, Marion and McPherson counties. Safehope staff hold weekly office hours from 1 to 3 p.m. in the Student Life office suite in Erb Hall. They also have a 24-hour crisis line at 316-283-0350 or 800-487-0510.

Confidential reporting form must log in to my.hesston to access the form
student form, employee form