2-hour late start Tuesday and Wednesday, Feb. 18 and 19

TheatreFest to give high school thespians an opportunity to grow their skills

Fall 2018 production of The Misanthrope

High school students with interest in any of the many areas of theatre and performing arts are invited to learn tips and tricks to fine tune their craft at Hesston College’s day-long TheatreFest on Saturday, Oct. 19 on the Hesston College campus.

Led by Hesston College performing arts faculty and students, throughout the day, both actors and tech crew members will attend workshops, participate in improv acting exercises and have opportunities to audition for a theatre scholarship.

The cost to attend is $10, and includes breakfast and lunch. Participants who register by Sept. 27 will receive a free t-shirt. See more information and registration.

Contact Carla Lahey with questions at carla.lahey@hesston.edu or 620-327-8263.

Students with theatre interest – both as majors or extracurricular interest – are given a variety of ways to get involved at Hesston College as actors and crew. Each academic year, the theatre department performs five mainstage productions, including a play during the fall semester and a musical during the spring semester and collaboration with the music department on a performing arts production incorporating both music and theatre. or the first time in 2019-20, a children’s theatre production will be held on an outdoor stage, and the year wraps with a theatre showcase, featuring students performing scenes, monologues and musical theatre numbers.

Theatre students can also participate in the Traveling Theatre Company, which travels to area high schools performing short shows and holding improv workshops with theatre classes.