Tuck Everlasting

Cast and crew from the 2020 Hesston College production of Tuck Everlasting

Director’s Note

During our dress rehearsal this past Monday, I asked the cast a question: After spending several weeks working on this show, what is the meaning of this story to you? Why should it be told?

Their answers varied, from finding more intentionality in their relationships and appreciating the time they are given, to understanding that endings are simply new beginnings. Memories of loved ones were shared, as was honoring those who were nearing the end of their journey…all were personal and very touching.

Costumes may never be perfect, a note may get missed or a cue dropped, but if they share what they each believe is at the heart of this musical, THAT is what will resonate. May you enjoy the show, but more importantly, may you find your own story and ride the wheel of life you’ve been given.

Ride it well!

Rachel Jantzi