2-hour late start Tuesday and Wednesday, Feb. 18 and 19

Committee compiles candidate profile for next president

The Hesston College Presidential Search Committee has compiled and released a candidate profile for the college’s next president.

The ideal candidate will be an Anabaptist Christian committed to joining a local Mennonite Church USA congregation upon appointment. He or she will also hold a terminal degree and have leadership experience at a higher education institution.

In addition, the committee is looking for specific strengths, fit and motivation in leadership, fundraising and faith that will help elevate Hesston’s unique position as a two-year private college in higher education.

Some of the president’s responsibilities will include leading efforts for strategic priorities based on the strategic vision over the next few years. The strategic vision states: Create a culture of institutional sustainability, with regard to college and individual growth, that will strengthen Hesston College’s distinctives, broaden our appeal to students, and provide a strong foundation for future growth.

The full profile in a downloadable format can be found at online.

Nominations and/or letters of application with CV or résumé may be submitted to Hesston College Presidential Search Committee at HC_SearchCom@MennoniteEducation.org; or through postal mail to:

Hesston College Search Committee
Mennonite Education Agency
3145 Benham Avenue, Suite #2
Elkhart, IN 46517.

Candidates from diverse backgrounds are encouraged to apply.

Hesston’s current president, Dr. Howard Keim, will end more than 11 years of effective leadership at the college on June 30.