With only a week left until commencement, Hesston College showed their thanks to dedicated students for their outstanding work this year in and out of the classroom. Hesston recognized a group of exceptional students and faculty during the annual LarkFest Awards in the Hesston Mennonite Church sanctuary on Friday, May 3. The athletic department also held their annual banquet in the Bontrager Student Center dining hall on Tuesday, April 30 to reward student athletes for their hard work and success during their seasons and in the classroom.
During LarkFest, students and faculty are awarded for their achievements throughout the year. The top student award—Lark of the Year—went to sophomore Larry Ruffin, Choctaw, Okla., for excellence in leadership, academics and service. Students are nominated for Lark of the Year by the Hesston Experience team and the recipient is chosen by a faculty vote.
At the athletic banquet, coaches had the opportunity to show their appreciation to their athletes with a variety of awards. Among these awards were the Male and Female Student Athlete of the Year awards. This year there was a tie for the male award as Mason White (golf), Rowlett, Texas, and Quez Wright (basketball), Atlanta, Ga., shared the honor, while Kaley Phillips (basketball and flag football), Lake Worth, Fla., took home the female award.
Other student award winners at LarkFest include:
Admissions Outstanding Ambassador Award: Ashlynn Davis (Kilgore, Texas), Oscar Becerra (Decatur, Texas), Fernando Guzman (Mexico, Mo.), Michelle Hicks (Bryan, Texas), Ashleigh Williams (Eaton, Colo.)
Resident Assistants of the Year: Carson Elonich (Goshen, Ind.), Catryna Winzer (Augusta, Kan.)
Peer Educator of the Year: Lauren Payne (Geuda Springs, Kan.)
Bill Mason Business Scholars: Santiago Gonzalez (Artesia, N.M.), Luis Jimenez (Dallas, Texas), Cooper Long (Seneca, Mo.)
Clayton V. Beyler Award for Bible and Ministry students: Larry Ruffin (Choctaw, Okla.)
Daniel Gerber Peace and Service Award: Devin Miller (Hesston, Kan.), Josalyn Wipf (Huron, S.D.), Meg Beyer (Harrisonburg, Va.)
Art Department Best of Show Award: Lily Corkill (Olsburg, Kan.)
Musician of the Year Award: Joy Jones (Lockhart, Texas), Daniel Miller (Arlington, Kan.)
Mariann Martin Theatre Award: Hadassa Friesen (Neuland, Paraguay)
The “Standing O” Theatre Award: Josh Fleming (Raymore, Mo.)
Yoder/Zaid Chemistry Scholarship: Sydney Jackson (Marlow, Okla.)
Nursing Excellence Award: Melvin “Trey” Lasseter III (Valley Center, Kan.), James Peters (Hesston, Kan.), Jayda Spiller (Wichita, Kan.), Madison Thompson (Newton, Kan.)