Bluffton (Ohio) University faculty to perform Hesston College recital

The Hesston College Music Department will host sister school Bluffton (Ohio) University music faculty members Dr. Crystal Sellers and Dr. Lucia Unrau for a voice and piano recital at 7 p.m. April 11 in the Hesston Mennonite Church. The recital is free and open to the public.

Dr. Sellers earned a Bachelor of music in voice performance from Bowling Green (Ohio) State University and a Master of Music degree from Chicago (Ill.) College of Performing Arts at Roosevelt University. She studied vocal and operatic studies at Royal Northern College of Music in Manchester, England, and completed her Doctor of Musical Arts degree in voice performance at The Ohio State University (Columbus). She was also the first doctoral student to complete the Singing Health Specialist Interdisciplinary graduate specialization.

Dr. Sellers is assistant music professor at Bluffton where she teaches voice, music history and conducts the newly established university gospel choir.

Dr. Unrau earned piano performance degrees from the University of Texas at Austin, Indiana University (Bloomington) and Oberlin (Ohio) Conservatory. She performs solo and chamber music concerts across the country, and recently released a CD, “Glint,” with world-reknown saxophonist, Timothy McAllister.

Dr. Unrau is professor of music and Music Department chair at Bluffton. She was recently named the Ohio Music Teachers Association Collegiate Teacher of the Year. Dr. Unrau is also on the faculty of the Interlochen (Mich.) Arts Camp where she serves as coordinator of the keyboard area. She is also president of the Ohio Music Teachers Association and serves as a review panelist for the Michigan Council of Arts and Cultural Affairs.

Works by Franz Liszt, Frederic Chopin, Robert Schumann and John Carter will be included in the recital repertoire.