Phonathon 2017: Bring it full circle

Student phoners for Hesston College phonathon

2017 student development officers: Ashley Yasin ’18, Sierrah Long ’18, Haley Unruh ’18, Andrew Huckaby ’18, Cristina Rapisardi ’18, Nebiyat Esubalew ’18, Savannah Bontrager ’18, Jordan Gesling ’18, Brant McCune-Wall ’19, Louisa Angeline ’19, Jola Ceca ’19, Erica Baer ’18 and Emily McMichael ’18

You or someone you know started here and went everywhere. We’re sure your experiences have helped shape who you are. During Hesston College’s 2017 Phonathon campaign, you can bring those experiences full circle by helping today’s students and those in the near future also start here for an incredible Hesston Experience and inspiring Go Everywhere story.
If we missed you during Phonathon and you’d still like to give, go to and mark your gift for Phonathon. Your gift supports and enhances the Hesston Experience across all aspects of the institution for all students.

As of early November, Phonathon, coordinated by Development staff had raised about half of the $100,000 goal in support of the Hesston Experience. This year, 26 Student Development Officers are part of the Phonathon effort. The student experience is improved by every little bit of generosity. Give online at